Wednesday, February 8, 2012

First Impressions

I believe it was Head and Shoulders who used the phrase "You never get a second chance to make a good first impression." Well, we all know how accurate that statement is.

As I spend most of my time working within the real estate community, I believe the first impression is even more important for agents. Let's look at what the typical home buyer does when they start looking for a home. The first step for most, if not all home buyers today is to crack open a beer, pour a glass of wine or head down to their nearest Starbucks with their laptop in hand. They will then head online and start the process of looking for homes that interest them.

Here is where i'd like to ask agents an important question. When a potential home buyer comes across you online, what is their first impression? What does your website say about you? Is it the same template as the agent who sits across from you? How about your corporate profile photo? Does it look professional or was it taken at Sanchez after having consumed a few pitchers of that amazing sangria? How about the photography of your listings? What do those images say about how you coach the home owners to prep their home for market. Do the pictures show a clean, show ready house? Are the images wide angle and well lit, or dark images of corners of rooms with a box of diapers and a cat liter box visible?

Truth is, we all have a tendency to judge a book by it's cover. It's not fair, and it's not always accurate. That being said, i'll error on the side of caution and put the best cover on my book as possible.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Over the last two weeks i've witnessed an amazing re-branding / advertising campaign by JCPenny. Personally I can't give enough props to the Peterson Milla Hooks agency for their efforts. The TV spots did a great job of creating interest while the mid sized catalog I received in the mail was filled with stylish, creative photography and it's layout was clean and simple. Two weeks ago I viewed JCPenny as outdated and the place my mother and grandmother brought me to by school clothes. Today, JCP is on my list of retailers that I view as being current and stylish. I'm not sure what I'll find when I walk through their doors later this week, but I am going to walk through their doors.. And that's the point of advertising.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Photography tips for real estate agents.

An article that takes a humorous look at how to improve the photography of your listings.


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Grand Traverse

One of the perks of what we do are the occasional trips to Traverse City. Here's a shot looking over the west bay.

250 Pioneer Club Drive

We shot this home last summer and it's just stunning. View the tour here

Another great article for agents

Here's a nice article on how to choose a real quality estate photographer.


Real Estate Syndication

Great Article
